I am new to OpenCV2 and working on a project in emotion recognition and would like to align a facial image in relation to a reference facial image. I would like to get the image translation working before moving to rotation. Current idea is to run a search within a limited range on both x and y coordinates and use the sum of squared differences as error metric to select the optimal x/y parameters to align the image. I'm using the OpenCV face_cascade function to detect the face images, all images are resized to a fixed (128x128). Question: Which parameters of the Mat image do I need to modify to shift the image in a positive/negative direction on both x and y axis? I believe setImageROI is no longer supported by Mat datatypes? I have the ROIs for both faces available however I am unsure how to use them.
void alignImage(vector<Rect> faceROIstore, vector<Mat> faceIMGstore)
Mat refimg = faceIMGstore[1]; //reference image
Mat dispimg = faceIMGstore[52]; // "displaced" version of reference image
//Rect refROI = faceROIstore[1]; //Bounding box for face in reference image
//Rect dispROI = faceROIstore[52]; //Bounding box for face in displaced image
Mat aligned;
matchTemplate(dispimg, refimg, aligned, CV_TM_SQDIFF_NORMED);
imshow("Aligned image", aligned);
The idea for this approach is based on Image Alignment Tutorial by Richard Szeliski Working on Windows with OpenCV 2.4. Any suggestions are much appreciated.
does support ROI. (But it does not support COI - channel-of-interest.)
To apply ROI you can use operator()
or special constructor:
Mat refimgROI = faceIMGstore[1](faceROIstore[1]); //reference image ROI
Mat dispimgROI(faceIMGstore[52], faceROIstore[52]); // "displaced" version of reference image ROI
And to find the best position inside a displaced image you can utilize matchTemplate function.
Based on your comments I can suggest the following code which will find the best position of reference patch nearby the second (displaced) patch:
Mat ref = faceIMGstore[1](faceROIstore[1]);
Mat disp = faceIMGstore[52](faceROIstore[52]);
disp = disp.adjustROI(5,5,5,5); //allow 5 pixel max adjustment in any direction
if(disp.cols < ref.cols || disp.rows < ref.rows)
return 0;
Mat map;
cv::matchTemplate( disp, ref, map, CV_TM_SQDIFF_NORMED );
Point minLoc;
cv::minMaxLoc( map, 0, &minLoc );
Mat adjusted = disp(Rect(minLoc.x, minLoc.y, ref.cols, ref.rows));