Efficiently querying a huge time series table for one row every 15 minutes

大憨熊 提交于 2019-11-30 16:09:53
Clodoaldo Neto

For 15 minutes intervals:

with i as (
    select cf.tagindex, min(dateandtime) dateandtime
    from contfloattable cf
    group by
        floor(extract(epoch from dateandtime) / 60 / 15),
select cf.dateandtime, cf."Val", cf.status, t.tagname
    contfloattable cf
    inner join
    conttagtable t on cf.tagindex = t.tagindex
    inner join
    i on i.tagindex = cf.tagindex and i.dateandtime = cf.dateandtime
order by cf.dateandtime, t.tagname

Show the explain output for this query (if it works) so we can try to optimize. You can post it in this answer.

Explain Output

"Sort  (cost=15102462177.06..15263487805.24 rows=64410251271 width=57)"
"  Sort Key: cf.dateandtime, t.tagname"
"  CTE i"
"    ->  HashAggregate  (cost=49093252.56..49481978.32 rows=19436288 width=12)"
"          ->  Seq Scan on contfloattable cf  (cost=0.00..38528881.68 rows=1408582784 width=12)"
"  ->  Hash Join  (cost=270117658.06..1067549320.69 rows=64410251271 width=57)"
"        Hash Cond: (cf.tagindex = t.tagindex)"
"        ->  Merge Join  (cost=270117116.39..298434544.23 rows=1408582784 width=25)"
"              Merge Cond: ((i.tagindex = cf.tagindex) AND (i.dateandtime = cf.dateandtime))"
"              ->  Sort  (cost=2741707.02..2790297.74 rows=19436288 width=12)"
"                    Sort Key: i.tagindex, i.dateandtime"
"                    ->  CTE Scan on i  (cost=0.00..388725.76 rows=19436288 width=12)"
"              ->  Materialize  (cost=267375409.37..274418323.29 rows=1408582784 width=21)"
"                    ->  Sort  (cost=267375409.37..270896866.33 rows=1408582784 width=21)"
"                          Sort Key: cf.tagindex, cf.dateandtime"
"                          ->  Seq Scan on contfloattable cf  (cost=0.00..24443053.84 rows=1408582784 width=21)"
"        ->  Hash  (cost=335.74..335.74 rows=16474 width=44)"
"              ->  Seq Scan on conttagtable t  (cost=0.00..335.74 rows=16474 width=44)"

It looks like you need this index:

create index cf_tag_datetime on contfloattable (tagindex, dateandtime)

Run analyze after creating it. Now notice that any index on a big table will have a significant performance impact on data changes (insert etc) as it will have to be updated at each change.


I added the cf_tag_datetime index (tagindex,dateandtime) and here's the new explain:

"Sort  (cost=15349296514.90..15512953953.25 rows=65462975340 width=57)"
"  Sort Key: cf.dateandtime, t.tagname"
"  CTE i"
"    ->  HashAggregate  (cost=49093252.56..49490287.76 rows=19851760 width=12)"
"          ->  Seq Scan on contfloattable cf  (cost=0.00..38528881.68 rows=1408582784 width=12)"
"  ->  Hash Join  (cost=270179293.86..1078141313.22 rows=65462975340 width=57)"
"        Hash Cond: (cf.tagindex = t.tagindex)"
"        ->  Merge Join  (cost=270178752.20..298499296.08 rows=1408582784 width=25)"
"              Merge Cond: ((i.tagindex = cf.tagindex) AND (i.dateandtime = cf.dateandtime))"
"              ->  Sort  (cost=2803342.82..2852972.22 rows=19851760 width=12)"
"                    Sort Key: i.tagindex, i.dateandtime"
"                    ->  CTE Scan on i  (cost=0.00..397035.20 rows=19851760 width=12)"
"              ->  Materialize  (cost=267375409.37..274418323.29 rows=1408582784 width=21)"
"                    ->  Sort  (cost=267375409.37..270896866.33 rows=1408582784 width=21)"
"                          Sort Key: cf.tagindex, cf.dateandtime"
"                          ->  Seq Scan on contfloattable cf  (cost=0.00..24443053.84 rows=1408582784 width=21)"
"        ->  Hash  (cost=335.74..335.74 rows=16474 width=44)"
"              ->  Seq Scan on conttagtable t  (cost=0.00..335.74 rows=16474 width=44)"

It seems to have gone up in time :( However, if I remove the order by clause (not exactly what i need, but would work), this is what happens, big reduction:

"Hash Join  (cost=319669581.62..1127631600.98 rows=65462975340 width=57)"
"  Hash Cond: (cf.tagindex = t.tagindex)"
"  CTE i"
"    ->  HashAggregate  (cost=49093252.56..49490287.76 rows=19851760 width=12)"
"          ->  Seq Scan on contfloattable cf  (cost=0.00..38528881.68 rows=1408582784 width=12)"
"  ->  Merge Join  (cost=270178752.20..298499296.08 rows=1408582784 width=25)"
"        Merge Cond: ((i.tagindex = cf.tagindex) AND (i.dateandtime = cf.dateandtime))"
"        ->  Sort  (cost=2803342.82..2852972.22 rows=19851760 width=12)"
"              Sort Key: i.tagindex, i.dateandtime"
"              ->  CTE Scan on i  (cost=0.00..397035.20 rows=19851760 width=12)"
"        ->  Materialize  (cost=267375409.37..274418323.29 rows=1408582784 width=21)"
"              ->  Sort  (cost=267375409.37..270896866.33 rows=1408582784 width=21)"
"                    Sort Key: cf.tagindex, cf.dateandtime"
"                    ->  Seq Scan on contfloattable cf  (cost=0.00..24443053.84 rows=1408582784 width=21)"
"  ->  Hash  (cost=335.74..335.74 rows=16474 width=44)"
"        ->  Seq Scan on conttagtable t  (cost=0.00..335.74 rows=16474 width=44)"

I have not yet tried this index...will do so though. standby.

Now looking at it again I think the inverse index could be even better as it can be used not only in the Merge Join but also in the final Sort:

create index cf_tag_datetime on contfloattable (dateandtime, tagindex)

Here's another formulation. I'll be quite curious to see how it scales on the full data set. Create this index first:

CREATE INDEX contfloattable_tag_and_timeseg
ON contfloattable(tagindex, (floor(extract(epoch FROM dateandtime) / 60 / 15) ));

then run this with as much work_mem as you can afford:

  (first_value(x) OVER (PARTITION BY x.tagindex, floor(extract(epoch FROM x.dateandtime) / 60 / 15))).*,
  (SELECT t.tagname FROM conttagtable t WHERE t.tagindex = x.tagindex) AS tagname
FROM contfloattable x ORDER BY dateandtime, tagname;

Sneaky Wombat: Explain from above sql on the full data set (without suggested index): http://explain.depesz.com/s/kGo

Alternately, here's one where only one sequential pass across contfloattable should be required, with values collected into a tuplestore that's then JOINed against to get the tag name. It requires lots of work_mem:

SELECT cf.dateandtime, cf.dataVal, cf.status, t.tagname
    SELECT (first_value(x) OVER (PARTITION BY x.tagindex, floor(extract(epoch FROM x.dateandtime) / 60 / 15))).*
    FROM contfloattable x
  ) cf
  conttagtable t ON cf.tagindex = t.tagindex
ORDER BY cf.dateandtime, t.tagname;

Sneaky Wombat: Explain from above sql on the full data set (without suggested index): http://explain.depesz.com/s/57q

If it works you'll want to throw as much work_mem as you can afford at the query. You haven't mentioned your system's RAM, but you'll want a decent chunk of it; try:

SET work_mem = '500MB';

... or more if you have at least 4GB of RAM and are on a 64-bit CPU. Again, I'd be really interested to see how it works on the full data set.

BTW, for correctness of these queries I'd advise you to ALTER TABLE conttagtable ADD PRIMARY KEY (tagindex); then DROP INDEX t_tagindex;. It'll take some time as it'll be building a unique index. Most of the queries mentioned here are assuming that t.tagindex is unique in conttagtable, and that really should be enforced. The unique index can be used for additional optimisations that the old non-unique t_tagindex cannot, and it produces much better statistics estimates.

Also, when comparing query plans, note that cost isn't necessarily strictly proportional to real-world execution time. If the estimates are good then it should roughly correlate, but the estimates are only that. Sometimes you'll see a high-cost plan execute faster than a supposedly low-cost plan due to things like bad rowcount estimates or index selectivity estimates, limitations in the query planner's ability to infer relationships, unexpected correlations, or cost parameters like random_page_cost and seq_page_cost that don't match the real system.
