“The post's links must direct to the application's connect or canvas URL” - error

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2019-11-30 14:49:02

This answer from the WordPress forums via user Samuel Wood (Otto) worked for me:

Go to the Facebook App. Edit its settings. On the Advanced settings page, disable the "Stream post URL security" option.

Did you generate the access token using the Graph explorer app on FB? Make sure you select your app from the select box on the top-right. It will be selected as Graph Explorer by default.

This error happens as the selected app would be Graph explorer and its canvas/site url is not pointing to your site. Doing this fixed my problem; it may fix yours as well.

With the new app interface, issue is solved by turning off the "Stream post URL security" in the "migration tab"

you always have to use the same domain for linking as specified on the app's developer settings. Now you can have several tlds, and custom prefixes as well.

For others experiencing this problem, I was able to resolve this by configuring the Facebook > App > Settings > App on Facebook > Canvas URL
