Get path to iOS application based on name or bundle identifier

孤人 提交于 2019-11-30 14:10:06

If you're running code that executes in Springboard, this should be fairly simple. Get SBApplicationController's sharedInstance, then get the SBApplication you're looking for with the applicationWithDisplayIdentifier: method (or using whatever method you choose). The SBApplication class contains properties for path, containerPath, and bundle (among many others), one of which should be what you're looking for. I haven't tried this myself, so I can't guarantee it'll work, but based on a quick glance at the Springboard header files (you can take a look here, or dump the header files yourself), it should work.

On the other hand, if you're not running from Springboard (ie. if you're making an actual App Store-style application), then you may be out of luck. You could look into inter-process communication with Springboard and see if something can be done there, but it'd probably be more trouble than it's worth.


If running in an app, you can define:

extern NSString* SBSCopyBundlePathForDisplayIdentifier(NSString* bundleId);

and link to the SpringboardServices framework.

Or you can use the library AppList and then it's:

ALApplicationList *al = [ALApplicationList sharedApplicationList];
NSString *appPath = [al valueForKey:@"path" forDisplayIdentifier:bundleID];

In this case it's doing what Andrew R. mentions in his answer for you. (I assume the same requirements are necessary, i.e. must be running from Springboard.)

Update: This no longer seems to be working on iOS 11.
