Using buildToolsVersion 23 fails because Multiple dex files define 'AnimRes'

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2019-11-30 11:32:14

Update: This is fixed in the 23.0.1 version of build tools as the support directory is no longer included in renderscript-v8.jar

The culprit is the version of renderscript-v8.jar that is included in the build tools.

I think this tree output tells everything:

│   ├───android
│   │   └───support
│   │       └───v8
│   │           └───renderscript
│   └───META-INF
    │   └───support
    │  ***  ├───annotation
    │       └───v8
    │           └───renderscript

I've tagged the directories with the version of the build tools that included them. Notice the annotations subdirectory in renderscript-v8-23 that doesn't exist in renderscript-v8-22.0.01.

There is already a report of the issue here: And a duplicate here:

Tim Malseed

I can't say I understand this solution - or that it's necessarily a good fix, but it got my app compiling again:

configurations.all {
    exclude group: '', module: 'support-annotations'

Also, see: Getting Multiple dex error when using render script support lib

Credit to Luboš Staráček for this solution
