Dependency injection when the class created also needs runtime values?

喜你入骨 提交于 2019-11-30 09:53:23

I would argue that it isn't a CreditCard object's job to validate anything. A factory would validate the check digits to ensure that it is instantiating a conforming card, while a verification service would validate the card for expiration/$ limit.

I would be tempted to say that CreditCard is not a Value Object.

From the C2 wiki:

Examples of value objects are things like numbers, dates, monies and strings. Usually, they are small objects which are used quite widely. Their identity is based on their state rather than on their object identity. This way, you can have multiple copies of the same conceptual value object.

A value object is not a BusinessObject/ReferenceObject. A BusinessObject/ReferenceObject is something you find in the world, while a ValueObject is a measure or description of something.

If CreditCardNumber could be a value object, CreditCard looks more like an business object which contains some business logic, e.g. validation.

I usually have Value Object, Service and Business Object. I don't know about "Growing Object-Oriented Software", but restricting yourself to only Value Object and Service seems odd to me.

I would call CreditCard an entity rather than a value object, since it's likely to be persistent and have a unique identity.

Anyway, it should be perfectly fine for an entity class to use service classes. If the implementations of said services don't need to be selected at runtime based on external configuration, then I would simply instantiate and use the desired service class inside the client method. Contrary to what some may think, this doesn't preclude unit testing, as a mocking tool can be used for isolation.

If the service implementation does need to be selected at runtime, than a Service Locator could be used. This pattern can provide direct support for mocking/faking, without the need for a specialized mocking tool. Use of a DI framework supporting injection into "newed" objects would be another alternative.
