How to set custom connection properties on DataSource in Spring Boot 1.3.x with default Tomcat connection pool

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2019-11-30 09:31:40

Setting the pools connectionProperties should work. Those will be passed to the JDBC driver. Add this to

spring.datasource.connectionProperties: defaultRowPrefetch=1000;defaultBatchValue=1000

Edit (some background information):

Note also that you can configure any of the DataSource implementation specific properties via spring.datasource.*: refer to the documentation of the connection pool implementation you are using for more details.

source: spring-boot documentation

Some additional information to complement the answer by @Cyril. If you want to upvote use his answer, not mine.

I was a little bit puzzled how easy it is to set additional connection properties that in the end get used while creating the database connection. So I did a little bit of research.

spring.datasource.connectionProperties is not mentioned in the reference. I created an issue because of this. If I had used the Spring Boot YML editor, I would have seen which properties are supported. Here is what STS suggests when you create an application.yml and hit Ctrl+Space:

The dash does not matter because of relaxed binding but if you interpret it literally the propertys name is spring.datasource.connection-properties.

The correct setup in application.yml looks like this:

        connection-properties: defaultBatchValue=1000;defaultRowPrefetch=1000

This gets honored which is proven by my perf4j measurements of mass SELECTs.


2016-01-19 08:58:32.604 INFO 15108 --- [ main] org.perf4j.TimingLogger : start[1453190311227] time[1377] tag[get elements]


2016-01-19 08:09:18.214 INFO 9152 --- [ main] org.perf4j.TimingLogger : start[1453187358066] time[147] tag[get elements]

The time taken to complete the SQL statement drops from 1377ms to 147, which is an enormous gain in performance.

As Spring Boot is EOL for a long time I switched to Spring Boot 2.1 with its new default connection pool Hikari. Here the solution is even more simply and can be done in the or (like shown here) application.yml:

        defaultRowPrefetch: 1000

(In a real-life config there would be several other configuration items but as they are not of interest for the question asked I simply left them out in my example)

Russell B

After digging around in the Tomcat code for a bit, I found that the dataSource.getPoolProperties().getDbProperties() is the Properties object that will actually get used to generate connections for the pool.

If you use the BeanPostProcessor approach mentioned by @m-deinum, but instead use it to populate the dbProperties like so, you should be able to add the properties in a way that makes them stick and get passed to the Oracle driver.

import java.util.Properties;
import org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.DataSource;
import org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.PoolConfiguration;

public class OracleConfigurer implements BeanPostProcessor {
    public Object postProcessBeforeInitialization(Object bean, String name) throws BeansException {
        if (bean instanceof DataSource) {
            DataSource dataSource = (DataSource)bean;
            PoolConfiguration configuration = dataSource.getPoolProperties();
            Properties properties = configuration.getDbProperties();
            if (null == properties) properties = new Properties();
            properties.put("defaultRowPrefetch", 1000);
            properties.put("defaultBatchValue", 1000);
        return bean;

    public Object postProcessAfterInitialization(Object bean, String name) throws BeansException {
        return bean;