Candlestick multiple Y values

邮差的信 提交于 2019-11-30 09:03:51

Your code adds a Series not named "price", then references both Series["price"] and Series[0] which will not be the same thing if other Series already exist. I ran a slightly modified version (faking db data with a List<>) without any problem. You should verify that the data coming from your DB is ok.

public partial class Form3 : Form
    public Form3()

    private void CandleStick_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

    public void GrafiekLaden()
        // fake the DB data with a simple list
        List<dbdata> k = new List<dbdata> { 
            new dbdata("1/1/2012", 10f, 8f, 9f, 9.5f),
            new dbdata("2/1/2012", 15F, 10F, 12F, 13F),
            new dbdata("3/1/2012", 5F, 10F, 8F, 6F),
            new dbdata("4/1/2012", 25F, 10F, 18F, 16F)

        Series price = new Series("price"); // <<== make sure to name the series "price"

        // Set series chart type
        chart1.Series["price"].ChartType = SeriesChartType.Candlestick;

        // Set the style of the open-close marks
        chart1.Series["price"]["OpenCloseStyle"] = "Triangle";

        // Show both open and close marks
        chart1.Series["price"]["ShowOpenClose"] = "Both";

        // Set point width
        chart1.Series["price"]["PointWidth"] = "1.0";

        // Set colors bars
        chart1.Series["price"]["PriceUpColor"] = "Green"; // <<== use text indexer for series
        chart1.Series["price"]["PriceDownColor"] = "Red"; // <<== use text indexer for series

        for (int i = 0; i < k.Count; i++)
            // adding date and high
            chart1.Series["price"].Points.AddXY(DateTime.Parse(k[i].Datum), k[i].Hoog);
            // adding low
            chart1.Series["price"].Points[i].YValues[1] = k[i].Laag;
            //adding open
            chart1.Series["price"].Points[i].YValues[2] = k[i].PrijsOpen;
            // adding close
            chart1.Series["price"].Points[i].YValues[3] = k[i].PrijsGesloten;

class dbdata
    public string Datum;
    public float Hoog;
    public float Laag;
    public float PrijsOpen;
    public float PrijsGesloten;
    public dbdata(string d, float h, float l, float o, float c) { Datum = d; Hoog = h; Laag = l; PrijsOpen = o; PrijsGesloten = c; }