PHP Fatal error: Class 'MyApp\\Chat' not found in /MyApp/chat-server.php

余生长醉 提交于 2019-11-30 06:50:51

The main path for the autoloading is the location of the composer.json file, so if that lives in /var/www/src/MyApp/, the autoloading will use that as a base.

In your case, you say the MyApp namespace can be found in the src directory (which means /var/www/src/MyApp/src). That's not true, since the file /var/www/src/MyApp/src/MyApp/Chat.php does not exists.

You can solve this issue in 3 different ways:

  • Moving composer.json - You can move the composer.json file to /var/www, to be able to use that as base;
  • Updating autoloading (using PSR-4) - You can also use PSR-4 instead of PSR-0 and configure it as "autoload": { "psr-4": { "MyApp\\": "" } };
  • Reorganizing your files - You can also change the file structure to:


If you don't have the composer.json file and the vendor folder at root, it won't work. Also, don't touch the vendor folder (and subfolders). The folder structure must be like this:


Finally, after updating the composer.json, make sure to run an update:

php composer.phar update

This way it will work.

You have to mention Base Path of your classes that need to be autoloaded:

    "autoload": {
        "psr-4": {
            "MyApp\\": "src/MyApp/"
    "require": {
        "cboden/ratchet": "^0.4.0",
        "react/zmq": "0.2.*|0.3.*"

And run

Composer dump-autoload

Try autoloading the files first with:

$ composer update

If it still doesn't work then include the line require 'chat.php';, just at the beginning of the chat-server.php file. It worked for me.

I wrestled with this issue for hours and found that I was missing a few packages. I was able to fix it with this command:

php composer.phar install --no-dev -o

Here's a picture of what I saw after running: installed packages

Hope this helps!

In my case, after spending half a day, I realised the error was because I missed this line:

require 'vendor/autoload.php';