Renaming files during ANT copy

烈酒焚心 提交于 2019-11-30 06:48:53

Resorted to a workaround, using "move", and the correct mapper type as indicated by Mnementh. Thanks

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<project name="Create project structure" default="main">
    <target name="main" description="Copy template files to project folder">
    <echo>Copying template files to project folder</echo>
    <copy todir="${project.dir}" verbose="true" overwrite="true">
        <fileset dir="${shared.files}/templateproject" excludes=".svn" />
    <move todir="${project.dir}">
        <fileset dir="${project.dir}" />
        <mapper type="regexp"
                from="(.*)PACKAGENAME(.*)" to="\1${}\2" />
        <mapper type="regexp"
                from="(.*)GAMENAME(.*)" to="\1${}\2" />

It seems, that the glob-mapper works only with one '*'. I would try the regexp-mapper:

<mapper type="regexp" from="(.*)PACKAGENAME(.*)" to="\1${}\2"/>
<mapper type="regexp" from="(.*)GAMENAME(.*)" to="\1${}\2"/>

Your problem is that you did not choose the right mapper: <chainedmapper> will pass information in chain from the first to the last mapper

Instead, <firstmatchmapper> should be used, which will try all mappers in turn, until one matches


(quite an old question, but I just found searching for almost the same problem :-))
