Android charts: achartengine or AndroidPlot?

邮差的信 提交于 2019-11-30 06:27:15

I haven't look at AChartEngine but have used AndroidPlot and can relay my experience here.

I've successfully had multiple lines on my chart being updated in realtime (Req 1&2) and this chart has been embedded inside of another control (Req 3).

For Req 4, I haven't worked with a db but my guess is that you would have to write the code to do the query and update the chart yourself.

I think AchartEngine is better because you have lots of flexibility. and it is a open source library.there is a good number community to help you out. It's a better library if you want different kind of bars in your application.

If you want to use AChartEngine, you can get a complete example from here.

Looking at the usage metrics on, currently AChartEngine is used by 0.61% of the 700K applications while AndroidPlot is used by 0.17%. All the other metrics show an even higher difference in usage. Hmmmm....
