flash fallback video black screen - no video, only audio media element

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2019-11-30 06:03:04

The problem was position:absolute on the css .me-plugin amazing

I really hope this helps others. It was a total fluke that I tried it.


If anyone has troubles with flash fallback in ie8, for me that code helps:

var player = new MediaElementPlayer('#player', {
    /* ... place your options here ... */
    enableAutosize: true,
    success: function(player, node) {
WhoaThemes -

Mediaelement.js works in IE8 if you set the position: static; and not absolute as it currently is, to the div with the class .me-plugin.
It will still show a black video if you test with IE9 Browser Mode IE8. Just check with IeTester or on a pc with XP.

Hope that helps...
