my webpage has links to download Passbook .pkpass files. This works fine in Safari for iOS since Apple's browser supports the mime type: application.com/vnd.apple.pkpass
Facebook's iOS browser (as well as others) does not (yet) support this mime type. Therefore, if a user follows a link to my site from within Facebook, they can't download my Passbook files. However, if they click on 'Open in Safari' then they can download the file.
How can I code my webpage such that clicking on a link will force open Safari on iOS?
These headers should be helpful to what you're doing.
Content-Type "application/force-download"
Content-Description "File Transfer"
Content-Disposition attachment
ForceType "application/octet-stream"
I suggest you try to set them in your .htaccess or httpd.conf file with the following code:
<FilesMatch "\.(pkpass)$">
Header set Content-Type "application/force-download"
Header set Content-Description "File Transfer"
Header set Content-Disposition attachment
Header set ForceType "application/octet-stream"
It's a little overkill, but will ensure the download is forced across all browsers. Change the pkpass to anything else to force the download of any other file type.
I didn't manage to find a way to do this yet. Somehow, forced pkpass downloads won't work in the Facebook mobile browser.
The best way is to guide the user to open the page in Safari.