What's the right way to parse an ISO8601 date in cocoa?

久未见 提交于 2019-11-30 05:20:10

The best way is this library. ☺

I should add a link on that page to the Bitbucket repo, which contains newer source code (including 32-bit and Clang fixes!) and has an issue tracker. If you find any other bugs in it, please file them.

I'd also like to know what you mean by “more complicated than necessary”. Normal usage is very simple:

ISO8601DateFormatter *formatter = [[[ISO8601DateFormatter alloc] init] autorelease]; //Or, if you prefer, create it once in -init and own it until -dealloc 
NSDate *parsedDate = [formatter dateFromString:inString];
NSString *unparsedString = [formatter stringFromDate:inDate];

You can switch out dateFromString: or stringFromDate: for one of the longer methods if you need more information (e.g., to preserve the time zone).

If you mean something else, I want to hear it so I can improve the library.
