Error:Cause: invalid stream header: 000900D9 in android studio 2.3.1

泄露秘密 提交于 2019-11-30 01:16:41


I am using android studio 2.3.1 and it was working fine yesterday But now it throw me an error Error:Cause: invalid stream header: 000900D9 this message throw from Messages Gradle Sync dialog.

Below are the steps which i did to fixed this problem but nothing works for me

1.invalidate cache and restart

  1. Delete scripts and scripts-remapped files from C:\Users\suraj.gradle\caches\3.3

and also checked many post in stackoverflow but nothing work for me and most of the questions put here are not answered by anyone yet .

Under my project structure

Compile Sdk version :Api 25

Build tool version :25.0.2


I was facing the same problem and was not able to figure out what exactly causes this problem.

But removing the whole .gradle folder (/home/$USER/.gradle in my case) and rebuilding the app fixed it.


I noticed that many users (me included) faced this issue using the 3.3 gradle version; update to 3.5 and it will be fine


Go to your console, run

./gradlew --stacktrace

If it says

GradleException: Could not read cache value from '[...]/.gradle/daemon/3.3/registry.bin'

go to this folder and delete the file registry.bin.lock. No need to delete the whole .gradle directory and download everything again.


Andrea's answer worked for me, too (i.e. upgrading gradle from 3.3 to 3.5). For the shake of completeness, I'd just like to add that you can update gradle in your Android Studio by going to:

File > Project Structure > Project

You might have to update your Android Plugin Version, too. Check the version compatibility table for more information.


File > Invalidate Caches / Restart


Error: Gradle sync failed: Cause: invalid stream header: 005C0044, 000900D9, ... or other some of the Gradle sync failed

There is a good method for this issue. you should update the android gradle as following in three steps:

1) Download latest gradle version form link:

2) Unzip the download file and copy it in address: C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\gradle

3) In the android studio, change gradle version to the latest gradle version (4.5.1 based on the unzip file, which had been named as the gradle-4.5.1) in path: File>Project structure>Project>gradle version

4) In the android studio, change the gradle home file (File>Settings>Build,Execution,Development>gradle>gradle home) to address: C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\gradle\gradle-4.5.1.


It's gradle version.

I've updated gradle from 4.6 to 4.10.1 on one branch. Switched to another branch without gradle update and couldn't sync it. Updating gradle to the latest version on all branches helped solved the problem.

So check which gradle version you have in gradle/wrapper/ file and try to update it to match your .gradle directory (or just update to the latest one)


  • there is a .gradle/4.10.1 directory
  • gradle/wrapper/ is pointing to the same gradle version


