Gradle, Javadoc and Android documentation

99封情书 提交于 2019-11-30 00:03:51

I was able to successfully link to using the following snippet which is functionally exactly what you have (as far as I can tell).

 android.libraryVariants.all { variant -> 
   task("generate${}Javadoc", type: Javadoc) {
     // title = ''
     // description = ''
     source = variant.javaCompile.source 
     classpath = files(variant.javaCompile.classpath.files, 
     options { 
       links "" 
       linksOffline "","${android.sdkDirectory}/docs/reference" 
     exclude '**/' 
     exclude '**/' 

So there is something else amiss here.

You have to build the javadoc offline, as it doesn't seem the package-list is available on the path of the web service. Maybe double check that you actually have the docs loaded locally, and make sure there is a package-list in the /[android-sdk]/docs/reference directory.

If you still can't figure it out, perhaps you could post output.

Another thing you might check is the ./build/tmp/[taskname]/javadoc.options, the head of said file should show the appropriate options carefully set. Things to check for would include the proper inclusion of the android.jar in the -classpath and the presence of linksOffline with expected arguments: -linksoffline extDocURL packageListLoc

javadoc.options should have both options with only the respective arguments:

-linksoffline '' '[sdkDir]/docs/reference'
-links '' 

EDIT: android.getBootClasspath() is nicer, thanks to P-chan.


For Android Gradle plugin 1.1.2+ (

libraryVariants - does not work anymore


task javadoc(type: Javadoc) {
    source =
    classpath += project.files(android.getBootClasspath().join(File.pathSeparator))
    destinationDir = file("../javadoc/")
    failOnError false

destinationDir = file("../javadoc/") - locate javadocs at root of project directory (in this way jenkins javadoc plugin could find it and show in special Document panel)

failOnError false - for suppress warnings that can cause fail build on jenkins

Alternative for Gradle JavaDocs

Doxygen - cross reference documentation tool.

could be run from UI or terminal:

Generating javadoc available throw java tool: 'javadoc'

run from command line:

javadoc -d docs -sourcepath app/src/main/java -subpackages com

docs - destination folder
