In R, how can I import the contents of a multiline text file (containing SQL) to a single string?
The sql.txt file looks like this:
FROM rates
I need to import that text file into an R string such that it looks like this:
> sqlString
[1] "SELECT TOP 100 setpoint, tph FROM rates"
That's so that I can feed it to the RODBC like this
> library(RODBC)
> myconn<-odbcConnect("RPM")
> results<-sqlQuery(myconn,sqlString)
I've tried the readLines command as follows but it doesn't give the string format that RODBC needs.
> filecon<-file("sql.txt","r")
> sqlString<-readLines(filecon, warn=FALSE)
> sqlString
[1] "SELECT TOP 100 " "\t[Reclaim Setpoint Mean (tph)] as setpoint, "
[3] "\t[Reclaim Rate Mean (tph)] as tphmean " "FROM [Dampier_RC1P].[dbo].[Rates]"
The versatile paste()
command can do that with argument collapse=""
lines <- readLines("/tmp/sql.txt")
[1] "SELECT TOP 100 " " setpoint, " " tph " "FROM rates"
sqlcmd <- paste(lines, collapse="")
[1] "SELECT TOP 100 setpoint, tph FROM rates"
Below is an R function that reads in a multiline SQL query (from a text file) and converts it into a single-line string. The function removes formatting and whole-line comments.
To use it, run the code to define the functions, and your single-line string will be the result of running ONELINEQ("querytextfile.sql","~/path/to/thefile").
How it works: Inline comments detail this; it reads each line of the query and deletes (replaces with nothing) whatever isn't needed to write out a single-line version of the query (as asked for in the question). The result is a list of lines, some of which are blank and get filtered out; the last step is to paste this (unlisted) list together and return the single line.
## This set of functions allows us to read in formatted, commented SQL queries
# Comments must be entire-line comments, not on same line as SQL code, and begun with "--"
# The parsing function, to be applied to each line:
LINECLEAN <- function(x) {
x = gsub("\t+", "", x, perl=TRUE); # remove all tabs
x = gsub("^\\s+", "", x, perl=TRUE); # remove leading whitespace
x = gsub("\\s+$", "", x, perl=TRUE); # remove trailing whitespace
x = gsub("[ ]+", " ", x, perl=TRUE); # collapse multiple spaces to a single space
x = gsub("^[--]+.*$", "", x, perl=TRUE); # destroy any comments
# PRETTYQUERY is the filename of your formatted query in quotes, eg "myquery.sql"
# DIRPATH is the path to that file, eg "~/Documents/queries"
A <- readLines(paste0(DIRPATH,"/",PRETTYQUERY)) # read in the query to a list of lines
B <- lapply(A,LINECLEAN) # process each line
C <- Filter(function(x) x != "",B) # remove blank and/or comment lines
D <- paste(unlist(C),collapse=" ") # paste lines together into one-line string, spaces between.
# TODO: add eof newline automatically to remove warning
Here's the final version of what I'm using. Thanks Dirk.
gsub("\t","", sqlString)
tph <- qcc(results$tphmean[1:50], type="", ylim=c(4000,12000),
This is what I use:
# Set Filename
fileName <- 'Input File.txt'
doSub <- function(src, dest_var_name, src_pattern, dest_pattern) {
x = dest_var_name
, value = gsub(
pattern = src_pattern
, replacement = dest_pattern
, x = src
, envir = .GlobalEnv
# Read File Contents
original_text <- readChar(fileName,$size)
# Convert to UNIX line ending for ease of use
doSub(src = original_text, dest_var_name = 'unix_text', src_pattern = '\r\n', dest_pattern = '\n')
# Remove Block Comments
doSub(src = unix_text, dest_var_name = 'wo_bc_text', src_pattern = '/\\*.*?\\*/', dest_pattern = '')
# Remove Line Comments
doSub(src = wo_bc_text, dest_var_name = 'wo_bc_lc_text', src_pattern = '--.*?\n', dest_pattern = '')
# Remove Line Endings to get Flat Text
doSub(src = wo_bc_lc_text, dest_var_name = 'flat_text', src_pattern = '\n', dest_pattern = ' ')
# Remove Contiguous Spaces
doSub(src = flat_text, dest_var_name = 'clean_flat_text', src_pattern = ' +', dest_pattern = ' ')
try paste(sqlString, collapse=" ")
It's possible to use readChar()
instead of readLines()
. I had an ongoing issue with mixed commenting (--
or /* */
) and this has always worked well for me.
sql <- readChar(, file.size(
query <- sqlQuery(con, sql, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
I use sql <- gsub("\n","",sql)
and sql <- gsub("\t","",sql)