How do I right align controls in a StatusStrip?

ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2019-11-29 21:59:29
Eric Schoonover

Found it via MSDN forums almost immediately after posting :)

You can use a ToolStripLabel to pseudo right align controls by setting the Text property to string.Empty and setting the Spring property to true. This will cause it to fill all of the available space and push all the controls to the right of the ToolStripLabel over.

As an added note this is due to the fact that in the Win32 API a cell is either fixed width or fills the remaining space -1

int statwidths[] = {100, -1};

SendMessage(hStatus, SB_SETPARTS, sizeof(statwidths)/sizeof(int), (LPARAM)statwidths);
SendMessage(hStatus, SB_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)"Hi there :)");

If memory serves me correctly you can have only one fill cell (-1) per statusbar.

You could also add a third middle cell and give this the fill property to get a more concistent looking StatusBar. Consistent because Messages has an inset to its left right where you'd expect it. A bit like the mspaint shot found on the MSDN page for StatusBars

I like the creative appreach though :D

For me it took two simple steps:

  1. Set MyRightIntendedToolStripItem.Alignment to Right
  2. Set MyStatusStrip.LayoutStyle to HorizontalStackWithOverflow
Chandran R

You can display the Button at the end of the StatusStrip by using the logic below.

  1. Add a ToolstripLabel to the StatusStrip
  2. Set text as string.Empty
  3. Set Padding for the ToolstripLabel

For example:

this.toolStripStatusLabel1.Padding = new Padding((int)(this.Size.Width - 75), 0, 0, 0);

Keep a Toolstrip label , set Spring property as true and for label align text in BottomLeft

I found that you can set the StatusStrip Layout to HorizontalStackWithOverflow. Then, for each control on the StatusStrip that you want on the right side, set the control Alignment to Right.

I like this better since you don't need any extra or dummy controls to align.

Set the RightToLeft tool strip property to True.

I find a general way to set a control's location in StatusStrip. You can display the Button at any position in the StatusStrip by using the steps below.

  1. Add a ToolstripLabel to the StatusStrip
  2. Set text as a suitable amount of space like

    toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "   ";

  3. If layout is not what you want, got to step 2 to change the amount of space in toolStripStatusLabel1.Text, else work has been done.
