How to post nested json like below as body of method by SwiftyJson and Alamofire?(Swift 3)
\"a1\": \"v1\",
\"a2\": \"v2\"
I check lots of post Json post nested objects in swift using alamofire , How do I access a nested JSON value using Alamofire and SwiftyJSON? , Alamofire JSON Serialization of Objects and Collections and ... but none of them helped for this situation.
try this
func test()
var exampleParameters : [String : Any] = ["b" : "bv"]
exampleParameters["a"] = ["a1": "v1","a2": "v2"]
let devUrlPush = URL.init(string:"yourURL")
var request = URLRequest(url: devUrlPush!)
request.httpMethod = "POST"
request.setValue("application/json", forHTTPHeaderField: "Content-Type")
request.httpBody = try! JSONSerialization.data(withJSONObject: exampleParameters)
Alamofire.request(request).responseJSON { (response) in
if( response.result.isSuccess)
let string = String(data: request.httpBody!, encoding: .utf8)
let jsonString = JSON(data: request.httpBody!)
debugPrint(jsonString.rawString(.utf8, options: .prettyPrinted))
I hope this helps