My Cloud 9 workspace is running with Node.Js 0.10. How can I update it to the latest version of Node.Js (today is 0.12.4)?
I'm trying to install Node.Js using apt-get but I will always get 0.10 version.
UPDATE: Latest version of Cloud 9 workspaces now have preinstalled version 4.1.1
With Cloud 9 you can use NVM to install a new version of Node.js. Just run:
nvm install 5.5.0
nvm use 5.5.0
nvm alias default v5.5.0
NVM keeps all the versions so you can switch back whenever you want.
To improve on Davide Icardi's answer, this installs the latest stable version:
nvm install stable
Worked for me in Cloud9.
Are you running Debian/Ubuntu? As an alternative to nvm
, you can:
curl -sL | sudo bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs