Storm vs. Trident: When not to use Trident?

不羁岁月 提交于 2019-11-29 19:26:46

To answer your question: when shouldn't you use Trident? Whenever you can afford not to.

Trident adds complexity to a Storm topology, lowers performance and generates state. Ask yourself the question: do you need the "exactly once" processing semantics of Trident or can you live with the "at least once" processing semantics of Storm. For exactly once, use Trident, otherwise don't.

I would also just like to highlight the fact that Storm guarantees that all messages will be processed. Some messages might just be processed more than once.

If the lowest possible latency is your goal and you don't need exactly-once processing, then using Storm is better than Trident.

Trident is a high-level abstraction for doing realtime computing on top of Twitter Storm, available in Storm 0.8.x. Storm is stateless stream processing framework and Trident provides stateful stream processing.

Chris, since these two of them are open source technologies, trident serves as an only an implementation of a scenario on top of the storm, of course, this brought a performance overhead. If the trident could not meet your requirements, you create your own state implementation on top of the storm. Trident yielded higher level projects such as Trident-ML in time.

assume we want to do filtering + addition of a field to a tuple. if we use storm usually we use 2 bots for filtering , addition of field. so again we need to send the tuple to new bolt by may be using global grouping. so here nw bandwidth may become bottleneck.

by using trident we can use do above on a single machine. so no regrouping is needed in this case. such use case in addition to "exactly once" /"at east once" can differentiate what to use etc.

Trident is kind of grouping logical grouping
