Aggregate by multiple columns and reshape from long to wide

夙愿已清 提交于 2019-11-29 17:39:09

Use dcast or even acast from reshape2() package

   Id   Cat   Dog
 1 10 14.25 14.25
 2 11 15.25 15.25

Base R might be abit longer:

 reshape(aggregate(.~Id+Description,dat,mean),direction = "wide",v.names  = "Value",idvar = "Id",timevar = "Description")
  Id Value.Cat Value.Dog
1 10     14.25     14.25
2 11     15.25     15.25

I would do this with tapply:

with( dat, tapply(Value, list(Id,Description), mean))
     Cat   Dog
10 14.25 14.25
11 15.25 15.25

Does return a matrix object so don't try accessing with "$".

You can aggregate (calculate average) per groups using data.table and get wanted table format using dcast():

foo <- setDT(d)[, mean(Value), .(Id, Description)]
#    Id Description    V1
# 1: 10         Cat 14.25
# 2: 11         Cat 15.25
# 3: 10         Dog 14.25
# 4: 11         Dog 15.25
dcast(foo, Id ~ Description, value.var = "V1")
#    Id   Cat   Dog
# 1: 10 14.25 14.25
# 2: 11 15.25 15.25

You can do the summarise using dplyr and the transformation from long to wide using tidyr::spread:


df %>%
    group_by(Id, Description) %>%
    summarise(Mean = mean(Value)) %>% 
    spread(Description, Mean)

     Id   Cat   Dog
* <int> <dbl> <dbl>
1    10 14.25 14.25
2    11 15.25 15.25