Installing Theano on EPD (Windows x64)

安稳与你 提交于 2019-11-29 16:38:15

The last release of Theano(0.5) has some problem on Windows. You need to install the bleeding edge version. You can update your version like this:

pip install --upgrade --no-deps git+git://

This should solve the problem. If not, you probably have some conflict with a different installation of gcc. Do you have installed it with cygwin or mingw? EPD installs its own version of mingw.

I couldn't get Theano working with Enthought, but using the Anaconda python distribution I eventually got it working. Here's how:

  • uninstall Enthought and any other python version (start from scratch)
  • download and install Anaconda python distribution from this link: and click the option to use Anaconda as your default python version
  • to get the academic license, go to this page: and click the "free" button next to Anaconda Academic License (right side of page)
  • you should receive an email with an academic license .txt file. Follow the instructions in the email to place the file in the correct directory, and run several command-line commands to update anaconda and install numpy and scipy
  • open a windows command prompt and type

    pip install theano

  • create a file .theanorc.txt containing the lines:

    [global] openmp=False

    [blas] ldflags=

  • place .theanorc.txt in your home folder (the folder for your user account)

  • make sure the following paths are added to your PATH environment variable:

    C:\Anaconda\MinGW\bin; C:\Anaconda\MinGW\x86_64-w64-mingw32\lib; C:\Anaconda; C:\Anaconda\Scripts;
