When I create views from Clearcase explorer, both development and the integration views get created as snapshot

本秂侑毒 提交于 2019-11-29 16:29:29

May be you have ClearCase LT, which only provides snapshot view ?

As mentioned in the ClearCase mkview help page:

Specifying the kind of view


  • ClearCase: Dynamic view.
  • ClearCase LT: Snapshot view

Anyway, you can try to create your views through command line cleartool:

  • Snapshot:

    cleartool mkview -snap -tag yourView_snap -stream yourStream@\yourPVob -stg aStorage aViewPath

  • Dynamic:

    cleartool mkview -tag yourView -stream yourStream@\yourPVob -stg aStorage

Please note the naming convention (yourView_snap for snapshot view): this is a convention, and it should reflect:

  • your login
  • the name of the stream

More details in this other SO answer.

Also note that an "integration view" is not always made for a "dynamic view": if you make some "integration test" involving some compilation, a snapshot view may be more adapted.
