I Have a two dimensional string array
I want to create a 3 column list-view, that display data from the string array, it should have the same number of rows that the size of the string array.
This is my string array:
String[][] data = {
{"001", "JOHN ","1001" },
{"002", "SIBIN", "1002" },
{"003", "TOM ", "1003" },
{"004", "FREEDY", "1004" }
I want to display it in a Listview
001 JOHN 1001
002 SIBIN 1002
003 TOM 1003
004 FREEDY 1004
Also when I click a list-view item, it redirect to another page with the listview id
How is this possible? I am new in the android development, I know only the basics, and I only know how to create listview
for that you need a customize list view first you should add a listview in your main.xml(just an eg) file then create a class like this
public class MySimpleArrayAdapter extends ArrayAdapter<String> {
private final Context context;
private final String[] values;
DataHelper dh;
public MySimpleArrayAdapter(Context context, int textViewResourceId, String[] values) {
super(context, textViewResourceId, values);
this.context = context;
this.values = values;
dh=new DataHelper(getApplicationContext());
public View getView(final int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) context
View rowView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.list_name, parent, false);
textView = (TextView) rowView.findViewById(R.id.textname);
// Change the icon for Windows and iPhone
textView.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v)
return rowView;
R.layout.list_name this will be the new xml file which will load the contents to the list view
and the the final step just in your on create method do this
con = (ListView) findViewById(R.id.main_listView);
MySimpleArrayAdapter adapter = new MySimpleArrayAdapter(MainActivity.this, R.id.main_listView ,data);// data is String array valu to be added in list view
//setting the adapter