flicker free tab control with WS_EX_COMPOSITED

不羁岁月 提交于 2019-11-29 16:04:16

A window flickers because it gets erased before it's drawn. To eliminate this you need to disable erasing of the window entirely and use double buffering - draw the window contents into a bitmap, then copy the bitmap to the window. Because the bitmap contains the entire contents including the background, there's no need to erase anymore.

It looks like WS_EX_COMPOSITED will handle the double buffering automatically, but you still probably need to use a NULL background brush and/or handle the WM_ERASEBKGND message.

Whats not mentioned in MSDN is that the Desktop Window Manager - the component that hooks window painting on Windows Vista and 7 to perform the desktop composition necessary to get the aero glass effect - does NOT implement WS_EX_COMPOSITED.

Which means all the work you put into getting this style to work on XP, is doomed to become irrelevent on Vista or later.

The other problem with WS_EX_COMPOSITED - and why it was an optional style and not a default on XP: The double buffering only picks up painting performed during the BeginPaint / EndPaint block of the parent window. Lots of, even standard controls, perform painting outside of their WM_PAINT handlers, and as a result the backbuffer gets only partially painted.

Sadly, the result is, the only way to "eliminate" flicker in native API apps is to try to minimize it: WS_CLIPCHILDREN and WS_CLIPSIBLINGS can help if you dont have overlapping controls - to ensure that each control's area is painted only once. And ensure that the main dialog does not perform any flood filling in WM_ERASEBKGND

It is not, in my experience, possible to use double-buffering for anything that contains child controls (unless they all fully support WM_PRINT, which most do not).
