You must include the platform port before the LWUIT in the classpath runtime exception

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2019-11-29 16:01:17

I shall answer my own post:

The problem was that in the UI jar I was including. LWUIT comes with 2 "sets" of UI.jar. The generic one which is in LWUIT\UI folder and the platform specific ones which are in the LWUIT\Ports folder.The generic one is being used as "parent" project containing all the common code,however if you MUST import the .jar file which is for your platform. As readme file says:

While these projects will compile easily they will be useless for any purpose since they don't include the binding glue for the platform, to use the platform one needs to use the appropriate projects underneath the specific ports directory to a given platform.

While I was recompiling the library in order to remove file, I recompiled (and then imported ) the generic UI.jar. The correct thing to do is compile, the parent project (the generic UI.jar) THEN compile the port specific library (in my case the LWUIT\ports\MIDP\UI.jar) and then import it in your project and you are done.
