Passing Q_GADGET as signal parameter from C++ to QML

无人久伴 提交于 2019-11-29 15:10:10

The release notes for Qt 5.5 says for the new features:

  • Qt Core
    • You can now have Q_PROPERTY and Q_INVOKABLE within a Q_GADGET, and there is a way to query the QMetaObject of such gadget using the QMetaType system

Indeed, compiling and running your example with Qt 5.4 gives the same result as yours whereas with Qt 5.5 I got Record correctly recognised, i.e. I got as a result:

qml: Record(abc)
qml: abc

Also, as stated in the Q_DECLARE_METATYPE documentation, the type passed to the macro - Record in this case, should provide (1) a public default constructor, (2) a public copy constructor and (3) a public destructor. Since Record is a very simple class, there's no need to provide a copy constructor as the default one is sufficient.
