Nhibernate count distinct (based on multiple columns)

久未见 提交于 2019-11-29 14:49:30
Andrew Whitaker

Okay this is going to take a few steps, so bear with me. I'm assuming SQL server here, but the instructions should work for any dialect that supports checksum1:

  1. Create a custom dialect that supports the checksum function:

    public class MyCustomDialect : MsSql2008Dialect
        public MyCustomDialect()
            RegisterFunction("checksum", new SQLFunctionTemplate(NHibernateUtil.Int32, "checksum(?1, ?2)"));
  2. Update your configuration to use the custom dialect (you can do this either in your configuration XML file or with code. See this answer for more information). Here's how I did it inside of my existing configuration code:

            db => db.Dialect<MyCustomDialect>());
  3. Create a custom projection that calls checksum. This step is optional-- you can call Projections.SqlFunction directly if you'd like, but I think refactoring it into a separate function is cleaner:

    public static class MyProjections 
        public static IProjection Checksum(params IProjection[] projections)
            return Projections.SqlFunction("checksum", NHibernateUtil.Int32, projections);   
  4. Write your QueryOver query and call the custom projection:

    int count = session.QueryOver<TableA>(() => tableAAlias)
        .Where(p => p.PropertyA.IsLike("%123%"))
        .Left.JoinQueryOver(p => p.TableB, () => tableBAlias)
                    Projections.Property(() => tableAAlias.PropertyA),
                    Projections.Property(() => tableBAlias.PropertyB)))))

    This should generate SQL that looks like what you're after:

    SELECT count(distinct checksum(this_.PropertyA, tableba1_.PropertyB)) as y0_
    FROM   [TableA] this_
        left outer join [TableB] tableba1_
        on this_.TableBId = tableba1_.Id
    WHERE  this_.PropertyA like '%123%' /* @p0 */

1Still trying to figure out if there's a way to map a function without manually specifying the number of arguments