AWS Cloud Formation Stuck in Review_In_Progress

蓝咒 提交于 2019-11-29 14:07:27


In your CodePipeline step, you're using the CHANGE_SET_CREATE action mode. This creates a change set on the CloudFormation Stack, but does not automatically execute it. You would need a second action that executes the change set using CHANGE_SET_EXECUTE. Alternatively, you can change the action mode on your action to CREATE_UPDATE which should directly update your action.

One reason you might want to use CHANGE_SET_CREATE and CHANGE_SET_EXECUTE in CodePipeline, is if you want to have an approval step between them. If you are expecting this to be completed automatically, I'd recommend CREATE_UPDATE.


Below is your CodePipeline Staging stage, but using CREATE_UPDATE instead of CREATE_CHANGE_SET. This creates a new stack named stack, or updates the existing one if one with that name already exists.

    "inputArtifacts": [
            "name": "MyAppBuild"
    "name": "LexBotBetaStack", 
    "actionTypeId": {
        "category": "Deploy", 
        "owner": "AWS", 
        "version": "1", 
        "provider": "CloudFormation"
    "outputArtifacts": [], 
    "configuration": {
        "ActionMode": "CREATE_UPDATE", 
        "ChangeSetName": "LexBotChangeSet", 
        "RoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::XXXXXXXXXXX:role/cloudformation-lambda-execution-role", 
        "Capabilities": "CAPABILITY_IAM", 
        "StackName": "LexBotBetaStack", 
        "TemplatePath": "MyAppBuild::SamTemplate.yaml"
    "runOrder": 1


Below is an example of how you could use CHANGE_SET_CREATE and CHANGE_SET_EXECUTE together. It first creates a change set, on the named stack, then executes that change set. It's really useful if you want to have a CodePipeline Approval step between the change set, and executing it, so you can review the intended changes.

    "inputArtifacts": [
            "name": "MyAppBuild"
    "name": "LexBotBetaStackChangeSet", 
    "actionTypeId": {
        "category": "Deploy", 
        "owner": "AWS", 
        "version": "1", 
        "provider": "CloudFormation"
    "outputArtifacts": [], 
    "configuration": {
        "ActionMode": "CHANGE_SET_REPLACE", 
        "ChangeSetName": "LexBotChangeSet", 
        "RoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::XXXXXXXXXXX:role/cloudformation-lambda-execution-role", 
        "Capabilities": "CAPABILITY_IAM", 
        "StackName": "LexBotBetaStack", 
        "TemplatePath": "MyAppBuild::SamTemplate.yaml"
    "runOrder": 1
    "name": "LexBotBetaStackExecute", 
    "actionTypeId": {
        "category": "Deploy", 
        "owner": "AWS", 
        "version": "1", 
        "provider": "CloudFormation"
    "configuration": {
        "ActionMode": "CHANGE_SET_EXECUTE", 
        "ChangeSetName": "LexBotChangeSet", 
        "StackName": "LexBotBetaStack", 
    "runOrder": 2

I went to the change set and hit the execute button so it now shows CREATION_IN_PROGRESS.
