How to draw a chess board in D3?

亡梦爱人 提交于 2019-11-29 13:02:02

Here is the codepen of the solution.


Definition of enumerated type for all chess pieces:

var pieces = {     NONE :          {name: "None",          code: " "},      WHITE_KING :    {name: "White King",    code: "\u2654"},      WHITE_QUEEN :   {name: "White Queen",   code: "\u2655"},      WHITE_ROOK :    {name: "White Rook",    code: "\u2656"},      WHITE_BISHOP :  {name: "White Bishop",  code: "\u2657"},      WHITE_KNIGHT :  {name: "White Knight",  code: "\u2658"},      WHITE_POWN :    {name: "White Pown",    code: "\u2659"},      BLACK_KING :    {name: "Black King",    code: "\u265A"},      BLACK_QUEEN :   {name: "Black Queen",   code: "\u265B"},      BLACK_ROOK :    {name: "Black Rook",    code: "\u265C"},      BLACK_BISHOP :  {name: "Black Bishop",  code: "\u265D"},      BLACK_KNIGHT :  {name: "Black Knight",  code: "\u265E"},      BLACK_POWN :    {name: "Black Pown",    code: "\u265F"},  };     

Board initialization:

    var board =[];      for(var i = 0; i < boardDimension*boardDimension; i++) {         board.push({             x: i % boardDimension,             y: Math.floor(i / boardDimension),             piece: pieces.NONE         });     };      board[0].piece = pieces.BLACK_ROOK     board[1].piece = pieces.BLACK_KNIGHT     board[2].piece = pieces.BLACK_BISHOP     board[3].piece = pieces.BLACK_QUEEN     board[4].piece = pieces.BLACK_KING     board[5].piece = pieces.BLACK_BISHOP     board[6].piece = pieces.BLACK_KNIGHT     board[7].piece = pieces.BLACK_ROOK      board[8].piece = pieces.BLACK_POWN     board[9].piece = pieces.BLACK_POWN     board[10].piece = pieces.BLACK_POWN     board[11].piece = pieces.BLACK_POWN     board[12].piece = pieces.BLACK_POWN     board[13].piece = pieces.BLACK_POWN     board[14].piece = pieces.BLACK_POWN     board[15].piece = pieces.BLACK_POWN      board[6*8 + 0].piece = pieces.WHITE_POWN     board[6*8 + 1].piece = pieces.WHITE_POWN     board[6*8 + 2].piece = pieces.WHITE_POWN     board[6*8 + 3].piece = pieces.WHITE_POWN     board[6*8 + 4].piece = pieces.WHITE_POWN     board[6*8 + 5].piece = pieces.WHITE_POWN     board[6*8 + 6].piece = pieces.WHITE_POWN     board[6*8 + 7].piece = pieces.WHITE_POWN      board[7*8 + 0].piece = pieces.WHITE_ROOK     board[7*8 + 1].piece = pieces.WHITE_KNIGHT     board[7*8 + 2].piece = pieces.WHITE_BISHOP     board[7*8 + 3].piece = pieces.WHITE_QUEEN     board[7*8 + 4].piece = pieces.WHITE_KING     board[7*8 + 5].piece = pieces.WHITE_BISHOP     board[7*8 + 6].piece = pieces.WHITE_KNIGHT     board[7*8 + 7].piece = pieces.WHITE_ROOK 

Drawing squares:

    svg.append("rect")          .style("class", "fields")          .style("class", "rects")          .attr("x", function (d) {              return d.x*fieldSize;          })          .attr("y", function (d) {              return d.y*fieldSize;          })          .attr("width", fieldSize + "px")          .attr("height", fieldSize + "px")          .style("fill", function (d) {              if ( ((d.x%2 == 0) && (d.y%2 == 0)) ||                   ((d.x%2 == 1) && (d.y%2 == 1))    )                   return "beige";              else                  return "tan";          }); 

Drawing pieces, using Unicode characters:

    svg.append("text")         .attr("x", function (d) {             return d.x*fieldSize;         })         .attr("y", function (d) {             return d.y*fieldSize;         })         .style("font-size", "40")         .attr("text-anchor", "middle")         .attr("dy", "35px")         .attr("dx", "20px")         .text(function (d) {             return d.piece.code;          })         .append("title")         .text(function(d) {             return;         }); 

Just for public knowledge I made a mini plugin for plot a chessboard via d3.

You can see it in

How it works:

    var sel ="#chess-container");     var board = d3chessboard();; 
