I have the following function with inline assembly that works fine on debug mode in 32 bit Visual Studio 2008:
__device__ void add(int* pa, int* pb)
asm(".reg .u32 s<3>;"::);
asm(".reg .u32 r<14>;"::);
asm("ld.global.b32 s0, [%0];"::"r"(&pa)); //load addresses of pa, pb
asm("ld.global.b32 s1, [%0];"::"r"(&pb));
asm("ld.global.b32 r1, [s0+8];"::);
asm("ld.global.b32 r2, [s1+8];"::);
...// perform some operations
pa and pb are globally allocated on the device such as
__device__ int pa[3] = {0, 0x927c0000, 0x20000011};
__device__ int pb[3] = {0, 0xbb900000, 0x2000000b};
However, this code fails on release mode, on line asm("ld.global.b32 r1, [s0+8];"::);
How can I load function parameters correctly with inline ptx on release mode?
P.S. building the release mode with -G flag (Generates GPU debug info) causes the code to run correctly on release mode. Thank you,
Hopefully this code will help. I'm still guessing at what you are trying to do exactly, but I started with your code and decided to add some values in the pa
and pb
arrays and store them back into pa[0]
and pb[0]
This code is written for a 64 bit machine but converting it to 32 bit pointers should not be difficult. I have marked the lines that need to be changed for 32 bit pointers with a comment. Hopefully this will answer your question about how to use function parameters that are pointers to device memory:
#include <stdio.h>
__device__ int pa[3] = {0, 0x927c0000, 0x20000011};
__device__ int pb[3] = {0, 0xbb900000, 0x2000000b};
__device__ void add(int* mpa, int* mpb)
asm(".reg .u64 s<2>;"::); // change to .u32 for 32 bit pointers
asm(".reg .u32 r<6>;"::);
asm("mov.u64 s0, %0;"::"l"(mpa)); //change to .u32 and "r" for 32 bit
asm("mov.u64 s1, %0;"::"l"(mpb)); //change to .u32 and "r" for 32 bit
asm("ld.global.u32 r0, [s0+4];"::);
asm("ld.global.u32 r1, [s1+4];"::);
asm("ld.global.u32 r2, [s0+8];"::);
asm("ld.global.u32 r3, [s1+8];"::);
asm("add.u32 r4, r0, r2;"::);
asm("add.u32 r5, r1, r3;"::);
asm("st.global.u32 [s0], r4;"::);
asm("st.global.u32 [s1], r5;"::);
__global__ void mykernel(){
printf("pa[0] = %x, pb[0] = %x\n", pa[0], pb[0]);
add(pa, pb);
printf("pa[0] = %x, pb[0] = %x\n", pa[0], pb[0]);
int main() {
return 0;
When I run this code I get:
$ ./t128
pa[0] = 0, pb[0] = 0
pa[0] = b27c0011, pb[0] = db90000b
which I believe is correct output.
I compiled it with:
nvcc -O3 -arch=sm_20 -o t128 t128.cu