GZipStream doesn't detect corrupt data (even CRC32 passes)?

☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2019-11-29 11:00:22

There is a 10-byte header in the gzip format, for which the last seven bytes can be changed without resulting in a decompression error. So the seven cases you noted with no corruption are expected.

It should be vanishingly rare to not detect an error with a corruption anywhere else in the stream. Most of the time the decompressor will detect an error in the format of the compressed data, never even getting to the point of checking the crc. If it does get to the point of checking a crc, that check should fail very nearly all the time with a corrupted input stream. ("Nearly all the time" means a probability of about 1 - 2^-32.)

I just tried it (in C with zlib) using your sample string, which produces an 84-byte gzip stream. Incrementing each of the 84 bytes leaving the remainder the same, as you did, resulted in: two incorrect header checks, one invalid compression method, seven successes, one invalid block type, four invalid distances set, seven invalid code lengths set, four missing end-of-block, 11 invalid bit length repeat, three invalid bit length repeat, two invalid bit length repeat, two unexpected end of stream, 36 incorrect data check (that's the actual CRC error), and four incorrect length check (another check in the gzip format for the correct uncompressed data length). In no cases was a corrupted compressed stream not detected.

So there must be a bug somewhere, either in your code or in the class.


It appears that there is a bug in the class.

Remarkably (or maybe not remarkably), Microsoft has concluded that they won't fix this bug!
