Is there something like the ANSI C operator _Pragma
in Visual C++?
For example, I'm trying to define the following macro:
#ifdef _OPENMP
#define PRAGMA_IF_OPENMP(x) _Pragma (#x)
#else // #ifdef _OPENMP
#endif // #ifdef _OPENMP
So I can circumvent compiler warnings for unknown #pragma omp ...
in older GCC compilers.
Is there a similar means available in VisualC++?
Yes, but it's two underscores: __pragma
I'm not sure about how the omp
pragma works, however, here's an example using VC++'s optimize
#define PRAGMA_OPTIMIZE_OFF __pragma(optimize("", off))
// These two lines are equivalent
#pragma optimize("", off)
EDIT: I've just confirmed that the omp
pragmas can also be used like this:
#define OMP_PARALLEL_FOR __pragma(omp parallel for)
So, yes, your macro should work if defined as follows (note that your original code incorrectly used the stringizing operator #x
#ifdef _OPENMP
#define PRAGMA_IF_OPENMP(x) __pragma (x)
#else // #ifdef _OPENMP
#endif // #ifdef _OPENMP