Problem installing sqlite3-ruby!

寵の児 提交于 2019-11-29 09:58:57

Install a lower version of sqlite3-ruby should resolve your problem:

sudo gem install sqlite3-ruby --version=1.2.5

This is due to extconf.rb picking up your old 3.5.9 library when testing for functions before putting together the Makefile.

One solution to cut this short is to apt-get remove sqlite3 and retry

sudo gem install sqlite3-ruby -- --with-sqlite3-dir=$HOME/sqlite

This may save you from incompatibilities if you want to use sqlite3 command line binary.

Another solution is to copy your new ~/sqlite/lib/libsqlite3.a into the build directory of your gem (see gem env, something like gems/sqlite3-ruby-1.3.1/ext/sqlite3) and retry

sudo gem install sqlite3-ruby

The test should pick up your new library now and install fine.

Per the sqlite3-ruby (now named sqlite3) README.rdoc, you can use the following method to direct to the correct libraries:

If you have sqlite3 installed in a non-standard location, you can specify the location of the include and lib files by doing:

gem install sqlite3 -- --with-sqlite3-include=/opt/local/include \


Shawn, let me try to elaborate.

Ruby is adapting to the sqlite3 library by compiling petty examples and verifying if compile was successfull. This picks up the old library, which does not include the required functions.

The first solution is to remove the old library and to direct ruby to the directory you downloaded the new version to. Depending on the system you are using you have to choose the right package manager: apt-get, dpkg, yum, yast, ipkg, ... to remove the obsolete package. This makes sure your build is not picking up any old pieces. Then you have to make sure you are pointing ruby to the right directory where the new library is located with --with-sqlite3-dir option.

The second solution is a kind of a hack. It relies on C compiler picking up the files in the current directory before the others. You can use cp, mc, or any other file manager to copy the .a libraries and .h headers to the build directory. The build shoud be ok, but your sqlite3 command will still be the old one, possibly incompatible with the databases created with your new library.

HTH, Jarek

I had a similar issue - I simply commented out the following annoying line from ./Gemfile in the project directory to:

# gem 'sqlite3-ruby', :require => 'sqlite3'

and did:

bundle install

script/rails server was working fine again. Phew!

Seems like sqlite3 is duplicated - weird

I ran into the same issue on OSX 10.5.8

The solutions was pretty simple:

1.- Xcode downloaded from apple dev.: xcode314_2809_developerdvd.dmg (require registration) 2.- Download and install macports: 3.- sudo port install sqlite3

And Everything was working as intended.

Hope this result useful!


I had the exact same problem. Jarek's solution worked when I moved all of the files (not just libsqlite3.a) from ~/sqlite/lib to gems/sqlite3-ruby-1.3.1/ext/sqlite3.
