TFS 2015 Publish Build Artifacts in one directory

ⅰ亾dé卋堺 提交于 2019-11-29 09:50:33
Eddie Chen - MSFT

You can use the "Copy File" task and specify the Source Folder in it to achieve this feature. See this question for details: Copy one file in target directory on deploy from visual studio team services

This is still possible, you can pass the following command line argument to your Visual Studio Build or MsBuild task:


This will instruct the build task to redirect all output to the Binaries Directory, as you were accustomed to from the old XAML builds.

or you can use my MsBuild Helper task from the Visual Studio Market Place to configure the Output Path, then add the $(MsBuildAdditionalArguments) variable to your MsBuild or Visual Studio Build's additional arguments input:

MsBuild Helper Task

Visual Studio Build / MsBuild Task

Dilaksha A

Also please try giving this MSBuild argument

 /p:GenerateProjectSpecificOutputFolder=true /p:OutDirWasSpecified=true