I am trying to run a query using Eloquent the $vars['language'] is in lower case but the language column is not necessarily in lower case. How can i do this search using eloquent but still have the lower case in the query
Item::where('language', $vars['language'])
What i want to do is this even though i can't find anywhere how to do this
Item::where('LOWER(language)', $vars['language'])
so that they are both in lowercase and then i can get them to match.
Use whereRaw with parameter binding to sanitize your whereRaw statement:
$term = strtolower($vars['language']);
Item::whereRaw('lower(language) like (?)',["%{$term}%"])->get();
Prev answer
In some dabases you can use operator ilike
in your where. For example
Item::where('language', 'ilike', $vars['language'])->get();
All available operators are:
protected $operators = array(
'=', '<', '>', '<=', '>=', '<>', '!=',
'like', 'not like', 'between', 'ilike',
'&', '|', '^', '<<', '>>',
Edit: ilike
is case-insensitive like
As per this post, a db-independent way to solve this would be:
Item::whereRaw('LOWER(language) = ?', [$vars['language']])->get();
The filter()
collection method can be useful if you are trying to find a laravel-based solution :
// $this refers to an instance of an eloquent User Model
$name = 'BiLbo baGGings';
return $this->contactInformation->filter(function($value, $key) use($name) {
if(strtolower($value->name) == strtolower($name)) {
return $value;