Mapping the shortest flight path across the date line in R leaflet/Shiny, using gcIntermediate [duplicate]

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2019-11-29 07:56:08

If you are interested in another mapping library, then googleway uses Google Maps, which in my experience is better at handling lines that cross the date line.


  1. To use Google Maps you need an API key
  2. Currently only sf objects are supported, not sp
  3. This will also work in shiny; I'm just showing you the basic map here
  4. I authored googleway


## convert the sp object to sf
sf <- sf::st_as_sf(df2)


google_map() %>%
    add_polylines(data = sf)


I set the max bounds and minimum zoom level to only display the world map once. It looks okay in the RStudio viewer but fails when I display it in browser. I'm hoping this helps spark other answers.


# load necessary packages
library( leaflet )
library( geosphere )

# create data
df <- 
  data.frame("Australian_Airport" = "Brisbane", 
             "International" =  c("Auckland", "Bandar Seri Begawan","Bangkok","Christchurch","Denpasar","Dunedin","Hamilton","Hong Kong","Honiara","Kuala Lumpur"),
             "Australian_lon" = c(153.117, 153.117,153.117,153.117,153.117,153.117, 153.117, 153.117, 153.117, 153.117),
             "Australian_lat" = c(-27.3842,-27.3842,-27.3842,-27.3842,-27.3842,-27.3842, -27.3842, -27.3842, -27.3842, -27.3842),
             "International_lon" = c(174.7633, 114.9398, 100.5018, 172.6362, 115.2126,-82.77177, -84.56134, 114.10950, 159.97290, 101.68685),
             "International_lat" = c(-36.848460, 4.903052, 13.756331, -43.532054,-8.670458,28.019740, 39.399501, 22.396428, -9.445638,  3.139003)
             , stringsAsFactors = FALSE

# create curved lines
curved.lines <-
    p1 = as.matrix( x = df[ , 3:4 ] )
    , p2 = as.matrix( x = df[ , 5:6 ] )
    , breakAtDateLine = TRUE
    , n = 1000
    , addStartEnd = TRUE
    , sp = TRUE

# create leaflet
airport <-
  leaflet( options = leafletOptions( minZoom = 1) ) %>%
  setMaxBounds( lng1 = -180
                , lat1 = -89.98155760646617
                , lng2 = 180
                , lat2 = 89.99346179538875 ) %>%
  addTiles() %>% 
  addCircleMarkers( data = df
                    , lng = ~Australian_lon
                    , lat = ~Australian_lat
                    , radius = 2
                    , color = "red"
                    , label = paste( ~Australian_Airport
                                     , "Airport" )
  ) %>% 
  addCircleMarkers( data = df
                    , lng = ~International_lon
                    , lat = ~International_lat
                    , radius = 2
                    , color = "blue"
                    , label = paste( ~International
                                     , "Airport" )
  ) %>% 
  addPolylines( data = curved.lines
                , weight = 1 
# display map

# end of script #