Nhibernate query for items that have a Dictionary Property containing value

假装没事ソ 提交于 2019-11-29 07:36:45

Handling IDictionary<TValueType, TValueType> would usually bring more issues than advantages. One way, workaround, is to introduce a new object (I will call it MyWrapper) with properties Key and Value (just an example naming).

This way we have to 1) create new object (MyWrapper), 2) adjust the mapping and that's it. No other changes... so the original stuff (mapping, properties) will work, because we would use different (readonly) property for querying

public class MyWrapper
    public virtual int Key { get; set; }
    public virtual string Value { get; set; }

The Item now has

public class Item
    // keep the existing for Insert/Updae
    public virtual IDictionary<int, string> DictionaryProperty {get; set;}

    // map it
    private IList<MyWrapper> _properties = new List<MyWrapper>();

    // publish it as readonly
    public virtual IEnumerable<MyWrapper> Properties
        get { return new ReadOnlyCollection<MyWrapper>(_properties); }

Now we will extend the mapping:

HasMany(x => x.Properties)
    .Component(c =>
        c.Map(x => x.Key).Column("IDNumber")
        c.Map(x => x.Value).Column("TextField")

And the Query, which will work as expected:

    .Where(r => 
        r.Properties.Any(g => g.Value == "SomeText")

NOTE: From my experience, this workaround should not be workaround. It is preferred way. NHibernate supports lot of features, but working with Objects brings more profit
