Sockets: BufferedOutputStream or just OutputStream?

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2019-11-29 06:33:27

I don't know where you read all that nonsense but it is completely back to front. The more you write at a time to a TCP connection the better, and the more you read from it at a time ditto. I would always use a buffered stream, reader, or writer between the application and the socket streams. There are some cases like SSL where directly writing a byte at a time can cause a 40x data explosion.

Is it a good idea to touch the TCP window size? For example by setting it to 64 KiB

You can't 'touch the TCP window size'. You can increase its maximum value via the APIs you mention, and that is indeed a good idea.

What do you mean by speed? low latency or high throughput?

For low latency, flush the stream as soon as you finish writing to it.

For high throughput, use a buffered stream and let the VM/OS handle its flushing.
