Hi I have a Kotlin data class as follows
data class User (
@get:Exclude val gUser: Boolean,
@get:Exclude val uid: String,
@get:PropertyName("display_name") val displayName: String,
@get:PropertyName("email") val email: String,
@get:PropertyName("account_picture_url") val accountPicUrl: String,
@get:PropertyName("provider") val provider: String
I am able to serialize the object without an issues. But i'm having trouble deserializing the object when doing a firebase query. Currently this is what i'm doing to get the data
.addListenerForSingleValueEvent(object : ValueEventListener {
override fun onCancelled(p0: DatabaseError) {
override fun onDataChange(p0: DataSnapshot) {
if (p0.exists()) {
val userHash = p0.value as HashMap<*, *>
var currentUser: User
if (userHash[getString(R.string.provider_key)]
!= getString(R.string.provider_google)) {
currentUser = User(false, p0.key!!,
} else {
currentUser = User(true, p0.key!!,
This is only a test project that i'm working on to practice my Kotlin, but this is something I would like to figure out.
If i'm doing it completely wrong please let me know, any advise would be greatly appreciated
Firebase needs an empty constructor to be able to deserialize the objects:
data class User(
@Exclude val gUser: Boolean,
@Exclude val uid: String,
@PropertyName("display_name") val displayName: String,
@PropertyName("email") val email: String,
@PropertyName("account_picture_url") val accountPicUrl: String,
@PropertyName("provider") val provider: String
) {
constructor() : this(false, "", "", "", "", "")
You can either declare it like so and provide some default values to be able to call the primary constructor or you can declare default values for all your parameters:
data class User (
@Exclude val gUser: Boolean = false,
@Exclude val uid: String = "",
@PropertyName("display_name") val displayName: String = "",
@PropertyName("email") val email: String = "",
@PropertyName("account_picture_url") val accountPicUrl: String = "",
@PropertyName("provider") val provider: String = ""
Then various constructors will be created for you, including an empty constructor.
If there's a problem with serialization there might be because of the getters and setters generated by the ide, try reinforcing them with @get and @set annotations:
data class User (
@Exclude val gUser: Boolean = false,
@Exclude val uid: String = "",
var displayName: String = "",
@PropertyName("email") val email: String = "",
var accountPicUrl: String = "",
@PropertyName("provider") val provider: String = ""