How do I do numerical integration of a vector in MATLAB?

耗尽温柔 提交于 2019-11-29 04:44:25

If you know the horizontal spacing of your vector, you can use trapz in order to integrate it without the function. For example, to integrate y=sin(x) from 0 to pi with 358 sections,


If you just use trapz(y), you'll get a much larger number, since the default distance between points is assumed to be 1. This problem can be fixed by multiplying by the distance between x points:

Matt Ball

You don't need to know the function in order to numerically integrate; that's the point of trapz and quad. Just pass trapz your vector. Here's a link to the documentation.


Think about integration as to find area under the curve, which is formed by your vector. Well it's not actually a curve, but polygonal chain. What TRAPZ function is doing, it finds sum of areas of each trapezoids formed by every two neighbor points in your vector and their projection on X axis. See the function documentation, if you have uneven distance between your points or if distance not equal one.

You can read more about this method, for example, on Wikipedia.
