Thin with SSL support and ruby-debug

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2019-11-29 04:23:41

You could try just requiring the debugger yourself in your development environment.

In your Gemfile:

if RUBY_VERSION =~ /^1.9/
  gem "ruby-debug19", :group => :development
  gem "ruby-debug", :group => :development

And within the config block of your config/environments/development.rb:

require 'ruby-debug'

This permits you to place the debugger statement anywhere in your code.

Here's my solution - I hacked the Thin TcpServer to load my self-signed SSL certs, only in the development environment. My script/rails looks like this:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# This command will automatically be run when you run "rails" with Rails 3 gems installed from the root of your application.

APP_PATH = File.expand_path('../../config/application',  __FILE__)
require File.expand_path('../../config/boot',  __FILE__)

# Hack our SSL certs into Thin TcpServer, only in development environment
require 'thin'
module Thin
  module Backends
    TcpServer.class_eval do
      def initialize_with_SSL(host, port)
        if Rails.env.development?
 "Loading SSL certs from ./ssl_dev..."
          @ssl = true
          @ssl_options = {
            :private_key_file => File.expand_path("../../ssl_dev/server.key", __FILE__),
            :cert_chain_file  => File.expand_path("../../ssl_dev/server.crt", __FILE__),
            :verify_peer => nil

        initialize_without_SSL(host, port)

      alias_method :initialize_without_SSL, :initialize
      alias_method :initialize, :initialize_with_SSL      

# Must load 'rails/commands' after Thin SSL hack
require 'rails/commands'

I was able to successfully get the debugging working with ssl enabled thin, using the solution suggested by nathan. Though I had to do one small change of deferring initialization of @ssl after the call of initialize_without_ssl (an alias method for the original TcpServer's initialize)

require 'thin'
module Thin
  module Backends
    TcpServer.class_eval do
      def initialize_with_SSL(host, port)
        if Rails.env.development?
 "Loading SSL certs from ./ssl_dev..."
          @ssl_options = {
            :private_key_file => File.expand_path("../../ssl_dev/server.key", __FILE__),
            :cert_chain_file  => File.expand_path("../../ssl_dev/server.crt", __FILE__),
            :verify_peer => nil

        initialize_without_SSL(host, port)
        # @ssl initialized after calling the original initialize of TcpServer
        @ssl = true if Rails.env.development? 


      alias_method :initialize_without_SSL, :initialize
      alias_method :initialize, :initialize_with_SSL      

  alias_method :initialize_without_SSL, :initialize
  alias_method :initialize, :initialize_with_SSL      

In the above code snippett, @ssl is set to true after calling the original initialize call of Thin::Backend::TcpServer. I had to do this since the TcpServer invokes its parent's initialize (Thin::Backend:Base) that sets the @ssl to nil

  #Base initialize method. Thin gem version 1.5.0
  def initialize
    @connections                    = []
    @timeout                        = Server::DEFAULT_TIMEOUT
    @persistent_connection_count    = 0
    @maximum_connections            = Server::DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_CONNECTIONS
    @maximum_persistent_connections = Server::DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_PERSISTENT_CONNECTIONS
    @no_epoll                       = false
    @ssl                            = nil
    @threaded                       = nil

As noted in nathan's code block, the whole solution appears to be a hack around. In my opinion, I am fine with the snippet considering the code is done within the context of env.development and most importantly it allows debugging with ssl enabled.

Franklin Philips

Here's how I got it to finally work on production using Thin:

rvmsudo thin start -p 443 --ssl --ssl-key-file ssl/server.key --ssl-cert-file ssl/server.crt

If you are having issues with your KEY file, make sure you validate the CSR by using a site like:

If your CSR fails, then the certificate you receive from your signing authority will fail too. My site would refuse to load with the SSL certs, only to find out that I abbreviated my State name to "TX" instead of "Texas" while creating my private key. That was the reason it wasn't working all along! SSL certs are a pain in the ass!
