Is achartengine ready for realtime graphing?

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2019-11-29 04:08:46

First of all thanks for the great question and for the point you raised. You were definitely right about the huge memory allocation that was done under the onDraw() method. I fixed that and checked in the code in SVN. I have also added a synchronized block inside the onDraw() method such as it will hopefully not throw ConcurrentModificationException when adding new data to the dataset during repaints.

Please checkout the code from SVN and do an ant dist in order to build new AChartEngine jar file and embed it in your application. Please see instructions here.

To answer your question: AChartEngine is definitely ready for dynamic charting. The issue you reported was a show-stopper, but it should be fixed now. I have written dynamic charting using it. However, you need to make sure you don't add 100000s of data values to the datasets. Old data can be removed from the datasets in order to gain performance.

It is definitely reasonable to paint the 5 or so line charts if they have up to a few 1000s points.

After a big effort on optimizing everything else on my app I still can't make it plot in what I understand for "realtime". The library is great, and very fast but the way in which every onDraw allocates memory inevitably triggers an avalanche of garbage collection which collides with its own allocation and thus android freezes your app momentarily causing stutter which is totally incompatible with "realtime" graphing. The "stutter" here can range from 50-250ms (yes milliseconds) but that's enough to kill a realtime app.

AChartengine will allow you to create "dynamic" graphs just as long as you don't require them to be "realtime" (10 frames/sec, (<100ms refresh rate) or what you'd call "smooth").

If someone needs more information on the core problem here, or why I'm saying that the library is fast enough but memory allocation patterns end up causing performance problems take a look at Google I/O 2009 - Writing Real-Time Games for Android

Ok, so after some time looking for another graphing library I found nothing good enough :) That made me look into ACE again and I ended up doing a small patch which makes it "usable" for me although far from ideal.

On I added a new method:

* Removes the first value from the series.
* Useful for sliding, realtime graphs where a standard remove takes up too much time.
* It assumes data is sorted on the key value (X component).
public synchronized void removeFirst() {
  mMinX = mXY.getXByIndex(0);

I found that on top of the memory issues there where some real speed issues at high speed framerates too. I was spending around 90% of the time on the remove function as I removed points which scrolled out of view. The reason is that when you remove a min|max point ACE calls InitRange which iterates over every point to recalculate those min/max points it uses internally. As I'm processing 1000 telemetry frames per sec and a have a small viewport (forced by ACE memory allocation strategies) I hit min/max points very often on the remove function. I created a new method used to remove the first point of a series which will normally be called as soon as you add a point which makes that one scroll out of your viewport. If your points are sorted on key value (classic dateTime series) then we can adjust mMinX so the viewport still looks nice and do that very fast. We can't update minY or maxY fast with the current ACE implementation (not that I looked into it though), but if you set up an appropriate initial range it may not be required. In fact I manually adjust the range from time to time using extra information I have because I know what I'm plotting and what the normal ranges are at different points in time.

So, this might be good enough for someone else but I insist that a memory allocation refactoring is still required on ACE for any serious realtime graphing.
