I have a situation in which a managed DLL calls some unmanaged DLL. I know the CLSID of the unmanaged DLL, is there any way to find out what binary file houses that CLSID?
Normaly, you can just go to:
And find a key called "InProcServer32" for instance and there will be the default value that has the DLL. This is one simple way to do it.
Can you not just search for it in the registry using regedit and look for the binary path.
Based on BobbyShaftoe reply we can build a simple vbs script that reads that registry for us:
Dll_RegPath = "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\<GUID>\InProcServer32\"
Paste the following to "test.vbs"
Sub Main
' used to find location of "System.Collections.ArrayList" progid dll
Const csGUID = "{6896B49D-7AFB-34DC-934E-5ADD38EEEE39}"
MsgBox srGetDllPathByGUID(csGUID)
End Sub
Function srGetDllPathByGUID( sGUID )
Const csRegPath = "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\<GUID>\InProcServer32\"
Dim oShell: Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Dim sReg: sReg = Replace( csRegPath, "<GUID>", sGUID ) ' build str
srGetDllPathByGUID = oShell.RegRead(sReg)
Set oShell = Nothing ' clean up
End Function
Call Main
You can also find ProgId by: