Using subrepositories with bitbucket

帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2019-11-29 02:32:10

As noted in the link that you posted, "You have to make the subrepositories as siblings of the main repository."

So on BitBucket, you need the following structure:

Then your .hgsub inside agile.crm.framework needs to contain the following:

Logging = ../Logging


I'm going to bump an old question because I think I have a better solution. I understand why @the_drow has issues with the original accepted answer since with Logging = ../Logging your local machine has to have the Logging subrepo as a peer with the containing/master repo. This kind of defeats the purpose of subrepos from an organization point of view. However, if you use the subpaths feature, you can get Mercurial to rewrite the URI for you on push:

external/my_subrepo = external/my_subrepo

([https://|ssh://hg@])bitbucket\.org/moswald/my_project/external/my_subrepo = \

Now my local copy of the my_subrepo sub repository is stored inside my_project as expected, but when I push to Bitbucket, it's rerouted to the real thing. In fact, you can use that rewriting feature to point pretty much anywhere since Mercurial understands Git and SVN. I've got more than a few Bitbucket repositories that have subrepos by other authors who use Github.
