Django-nonrel vs Django-mongodb vs Mongokit vs pymongo native

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2019-11-29 02:18:37

Django-nonrel is the way to go for Django on MongoDB. There's, but that's just built on top of Django-nonrel. There's quite a bit of mongodb activity going on the django-nonrel mailing list.

Storing your mongo classes as Django ORM objects works fine, that's the whole point.

I haven't tried using the multi-database support along with SQL. I haven't seen many people use it like that, and I suspect it most likely does not work. There's some work on moving django-nonrel to be officially part of Django 1.4, I suspect it'll work after that's complete.

Using django-nonrel for auth works ok. The main problem is many-to-many relations. The auth module uses that for per user object permissions - that doesn't work. If you don't need that, you could probably get away without using the SQL at all.

Adding onto dragonx answer. The issue with django-nonrel is that the auth module doesn't work.

You can perform many-to-mamy joins using $lookup operator. djongo does automatically for you. It translates SQL syntax into mongodb aggregation queries and populates the object model, like other SQL drivers.

The auth module works fine on djongo
