How can I plot an image with partial transparent scatter points just like in this picture with gnuplot? The problem is I don't know how to set the points to be transparent.
Try this:
set style fill transparent solid 0.35 noborder
set style circle radius 0.02
plot 'test' u 1:2 with circles lc rgb "blue", \
'' u 1:2 every 100 w circles lc rgb "red" fs solid 1.0 border lt -1
As you can see, you can specify for each data set whether to use transparency and which color to use.
If your data consist of two values (x and y position of the circle) you have to specify the circle's radius via set style circle ...
. If your data has three rows, you can use the third value to specify the circle's radius for each data point.
You can play with the transparency level, which ranges from 0 (full transparency) to 1 (no transparency).
You can use the alpha channel of argb along with lc rgb variable
set samp 2000
randn(x) = invnorm(rand(x))
pl [-3:3][-3:3] '+' us (randn(0)):(randn(0)):(0xBB00AAFF) lc rgb variable pt 7 ps 2
This leaves some egde around each circle, probably an opacity effect from a circle plus a filled circle on top of it. Unfortunately, there is no edgecolor option as in matplotlib to control this. Replacing filled circles pt 7
with open circles but thick linewidth pt 6 lw 6
can mitigate this a bit
pl [-3:3][-3:3] '+' us (randn(0)):(randn(0)):(0xBB00AAFF) lc rgb variable pt 6 lw 6
One can also emulate a variable transparency with lc rgb variable
set samp 50
pl '+' us 1:1:(0x00AAFF+(int(0xFF*$1/10.)<<24)) pt 7 lc rgb variable ps 3
where int(0xFF*$1/10.)
maps the input from 0..10 into 0..255 and <<24
shifts it into the alpha channel.
Note that in your plot only the dense regions seem to have a transparency effect, but not the scatter points in the background.