Stack guard might have disabled?

戏子无情 提交于 2019-11-28 23:22:02

Type: execstack --version to check if you already have execstack installed.

If you get command not found type: sudo apt-get install execstack -y --force-yes

Type sudo execstack -c <file> e.g sudo execstack -c /usr/lib/

1: Check execstack version using following command to find execstack installed or not

execstack --version

2: If execstack not installed then install using following command

sudo apt-get install execstack -y --force-yes

3: After successful installation execute following command

sudo execstack -c <filepath>

eg: sudo execstack -c /usr/lib/

make sure you are not running 32-bit jar on 64-bit jvm first

Make sure you are not running 32-bit Java. If you run java -d64, the 32-bit version will print an error.
