Hg sub-repository dependencies

假装没事ソ 提交于 2019-11-28 23:15:27
Tom Howard

Instead of trying to manage your dependencies via Mercurial (or with any SCM for that matter), try using a dependency management tool instead, such as Apache Ivy.

Using an Ivy based approach, you don't have any sub-repos, you would just have projects A, B, C and D. A produces an artifact (e.g. a .jar, .so or .dll, etc), which is published into an artifact repository (basically a place where you keep your build artefacts) with a version. Projects B and C can then depend on a specific version of A (controlled via a ivy.xml file in each project) which Ivy will retrieve from the artifact repository. Projects B and C also produce artefacts that are published to your repository. Project D depends on B and C and Ivy can be told to retrieve the dependencies transitively, which means it will get the artifacts for B, C and A (because they depend on A).

A similar approach can be used with Apache Maven and Gradle (the later uses Ivy)

The main advantages are that:

  • it makes it very clear what versions of each component a project is using (sometimes people forget to check .hgsub, so they don't know they are working with subrepos),
  • it makes it impossible to change a dependant project (as you are working with artifacts, not code)
  • and it saves you from having to rebuild dependent projects and being unsure of what version you are using.
  • saves you from having multiple redundant copies of projects that are used by other projects.

EDIT: Similar answer with a slightly different spin at Best Practices for Project Feature Sub-Modules with Mercurial and Eclipse?


You say you want to track which version they each rely on but you'd also be happy with a single copy of A shared between B, C and D. These are mutually exclusive - with a single copy of A, any change to A will cause a change in the .hgsub of each of B, C and D, so there is no independence in the versioning (as all of B, C and D will commit after a change to A).

Having separate copies will be awkward too. If you make a change that affects both B's copy of A and C's copy then attempt to push the whole structure, the changes to (say) B will succeed but the changes to C will fail because they require merging with the changes you just pushed from B, to avoid creating new heads. And that will be a pain.

The way I would do this (and maybe there are better ways) would be to create a D repo with subrepos of A, B and C. Each of B and C would have some untracked A-location file (which you're prompted to enter via a post-clone hook), telling your build system where to look for its A repository. This has the advantage of working but you lose the convenience of a system which tracks concurrent versions of {B, C} and A. Again, you could do this manually with an A-version file in each of B or C updated by a hook, read from by a hook, and you could make that work, but I don't think it's possible using the subrepos implementation in hg. My suggestions really boil down to implementing a simplified subrepo system of your own.
